
"The problem with modern Republicans is not fanaticism in the few but cowardice in the many" (Garry Wills)

Why isn't this man crying?"Republicans say, 'Remember one thing. We are standing up for an important principle. And as soon as we figure out what it is, you will be the first to know.' "-- Bill Maher"John Boehner holds the nation hostage because the Tea Party holds him hostage.

Sedition, Secession... Right Wing Dogs Are Not Giving Up No Matter What The Polls Say

Please watch the Bill Moyers video above. We're going to talk a little about it in a moment. But before we do, I want to remind you who Paul Ryan is. If you had just landed from Uranus or Neptune and perused the Beltway media, you would come away thinking Ryan is a "serious" and "thoughtful" mainstream political leader. He isn't.

Secession In Northern Colorado Being Fueled By Big Oil?

Cory Gardner is a very right-wing backbencher from eastern Colorado. He found himself in Congress after the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse of 2010 swept away a confused and worthless Blue Dog, Betsy Markey, her Democratic base refusing to come out to vote for her after she ignored them and voted with the Republicans over and over again. A Tancredo-disciple, Gardner is probably best known in his state as an anti-immigrant fanatic and a virulent racist and bigot. He was reelected last November 59-37%. Now there is a movement in 8 of the counties in his district trying to secede from Colorado.