
Corporate Mammon: Amazon and the Seattle Council Elections

An enduring US political tradition was in evidence in Seattle recently.  Amazon had decided that the city council elections would be too important to leave alone.  Seattle was their city after all.  The aim of the company was much in keeping with the manor lord who prosecutes keen poachers: fund pro-business candidates sympathetic to its cause and defeat such Amazon critics as Kshama Sawant in their home town.

Not Every Red District Is Susceptible To The Blue Wave-- But Blue Districts Are Susceptible To The Progressive Wave

After Blake Farenthold was forced out of Congress earlier in April for being a workplace perv, there was a vague hope Democrats could win his seat in a special election-- very vague. The DCCC gave the seat a thumbs down and refused to engage, especially after it was clear that the leading Democrat, Eric Holguin, is a progressive. The very gerrymandered district (TX-27) stretches along the Gulf from Corpus Christie and Port Aransas up through Victoria and Port Lavaca to Bay City and, incongruously, west through Shiner and Gonzales into the exurbs southeast of Austin.

Seattle City Council Repeals Tax on Jobs to Benefit Homeless, after Big Biz Applies Pressure

Amazon, Starbucks and other large employers were able to pressure Seattle's City Council into overturning the socialist "head tax" of $275 on each employee per year that was expected to raise $50 million per year. The money was to help the growing homeless population. Amazon has more than 45,000 employees, and the tax would have cost the company $12,375,000. [...]

“Looks Like an Ascending Missile”: Object Spotted Over Seattle Raises Questions

(ZHE) — It’s time to get out that tinfoil hat. Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather, a local weather website that runs camera enabled weather stations on the northern Kitsap Peninsula; Kitsap County, Washington, recorded a mysterious object early Sunday morning that has social media buzzing. One of Johnson’s weather stations has a camera monitoring the Puget Sound at Whidbey Island […]

“Unplug Your Alexa Devices Right Now… You’re Being Hacked”

(ZHE) —  “Unplug your Alexa devices right now…You’re being hacked.” That was the disturbing message that a Portland family received just weeks after installing the Amazon listening devices throughout their home. As KIRO7 reports, Danielle, who did not want us to use her last name, contacted Amazon to investigate after they say a private conversation in their home was recorded […]