US, UK and France Establishing New Military Bases in Syria

The coalition of the US, UK and France are establishing new military bases throughout Northern Syria in support of its Kurdish-majority proxy army, angering nearby Turkey and cementing the coalition’s hold over Syria’s most oil rich region. (TIM) — Despite the fact that President Trump recently considered withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria, the United States— along with […]

Chomsky Among “Progressives” Calling for US Military Involvement in Syria

By Whitney Webb | Mint Press News | April 26, 2018 On Monday, the New York Review of Books published an open letter and petition aimed at securing Western support for putting pressure on Turkey to end its occupation of Afrin, opposing further Turkish incursions into Syria, and backing autonomy for Rojava — the region […]

Afrin: Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch Is Testing the US-Kurdish Alliance

AFRIN, SYRIA (Analysis) —  In less than two months since Erdoğan’s Operation Olive Branch kicked off, the Kurdish “Rojava Project,” which aims for a unified Kurdish-controlled area in northeast Syria, has been delivered a strong blow. Kurdish militias have shown their inability to unite in the face of Turkish aggression.

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About America’s True Intentions in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Just days ago, Israel openly voiced its frustrations with the United States for not taking a stronger role in countering Iran’s growing influence in neighboring Syria, a red line for Israel that has them planning to assault Syria’s sovereignty in order to defend its interests. “It is convenient for the Americans to let us be their proxy against Iran […]

Turkish Warplanes Kill at Least 36 Pro-Government Forces in Syria’s Afrin

(MEMO) — Turkish warplanes struck pro-Syrian government forces in the northwestern Afrin region of Syria on Saturday, killing at least 36 of them, as Turkey’s assault in the Kurdish region gathered pace, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The pro-Syrian government forces entered Afrin last week in support of the Kurdish YPG militia, the stated target […]