BREAKING: Turkey claims Euphrates Shield a ‘success’

Turkey’s illegal invasion and occupation of Syria is known by Ankara as Operation Euphrates Shield. It formally commenced on the 24th of August, 2016. According to Turkey, Euphrates Shield was aimed at fighting ISIS as well as Kurdish YPG forces near the Turkish border.
In reality, Turkey has trained, armed and funded members of the jihadist Free Syrian Army in what Syria classifies as a war of aggression. In recent months, the operation became far more about fighting Kurdish forces in Syria than about any of Turkey’s other wider goals such as regime change in Damascus.

Syrian political commentator Afraa Dagher speaks with The Duran’s Adam Garrie

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Syrian political commentator Afraa Dagher. Throughout the conflict she has written pieces on the reality of this much misunderstood war as well as made appearances on a variety of global media outlets, including RT.
She is a patriotic Syrian whose words are deeply valuable to boththe friends and foes of Syria, many of whom rely exclusively on non-Syrians for news and analysis about the country and its struggle.
Here is what she had to say.

Will the Kurds be used by America to launch a war on Iran?

Supporting non-state actors is always a very dangerous game. Many such groups have purely bad intentions; seeking to creating discord, instability and war. Even with the best of intentions, it is dangerous to support inherently unstable non-state actors in geo-political conflicts.
A recent example was the US use of the terrorist group and non-state organisation KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) to destroy what remained of Yugoslavia in 1999.