Can America control its Kurdish proxies?

The four way race to Raqqa, the self-proclaimed capital of ISIS, is looking increasingly like a race between Kurdish led SDF forces and the Syrian Arab Army.
Turkey is trying its best to keep up while American forces seem to be increasingly content to rely on their Kurdish allies to do the initial dirty work.
However, if and when the Kurds take Raqqa, it is now clear that they intend to expand their territorial holdings deep into currently terrorist controlled Deir ez-Zor. Syrian Kurds have also stated that they intend to push all the way to the Mediterranean.

Kurdish party calls Astana safe-zone Memorandum a ‘crime’

When it comes to the element of surprise, it would seem that Donald Trump has nothing on Vladimir Putin. Russia’s backing of so-called safe zones in Syria, to become active this evening, has shocked many.
However, many others see the Astana Memorandum establishing these zones as a masterful move in the wider geo-political chess game.
READ MORE: 5 reasons the Astana ‘safe zone’ Memorandum is good for Russia and Syria

Erdogan’s chief adviser claims Turkey may ‘accidentally’ attack US troops

Ilnur Cevik, the chief adviser to Turkish President Erdogan has made a sensational claim during an interview on the Turkish radio station CRI-FM.
Due to recent Turkish attacks on Kurdish led SDF fighters in Syria, America which is a strong ally of the Kurds, has positioned US forces in Syria between Kurdish and Turkish forces to act as a buffer zone between the two opposing parties.