A new chapter in the Syrian crisis and Turkey’s new international alignment (VIDEO)

With the US staunchly backing Turkey’s Kurdish adversaries in Syria and with new alignments emerging out of the Qatar crisis, is the map of Middle Eastern alliances about to be redrawn?
The Duran’s Adam Garrie sits down with Nedka Babliku of Division Bell Media to discuss who is doing what and for whom in the Middle East.

CONFIRMED: Kurdish forces are now the enemy of Syria

Many have long suspected that Kurdish forces fighting ISIS in Syria are doing so in pursuit of a uniquely self-interested goal, that of carving out a large autonomous region from legal Syrian territory or otherwise unilaterally proclaiming an independent state on sovereign Syrian soil.
Now, the Kurdish dominated and strongly US backed SDF has confirmed that it will “retaliate” against any incursions of the Syrian Arab Army into what it now considers its territory.