Scott Pruitt

Senate Dems Demand To Know EPA Nominee’s Ties To Koch Brothers

Attorney General Scott Pruitt (Republican of Oklahoma) is seen in the lobby of the Trump Tower in New York, New York, on November 28, 2016. (Photo: Anthony Behar/CNP/MediaPunch/IPX)
Senate Democrats are demanding to know what’s behind Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head nominee Scott Pruitt’s ties to the reclusive conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.

Trump Is Anti-Environment, But So Was Obama

President Barack Obama walks past oil and gas pipelines during an appearance at the TransCanada Stillwater Pipe Yard in Cushing, Okla. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
NEW YORK — (Analysis) It’s rather easy, and undoubtedly necessary, to lambast President-elect Donald Trump and his team of corporate parasites who will soon head nearly every key agency in the U.S. government.