Scott Pruitt

Is the EPA hazardous?

In an economically/socially-advanced pluralistic society, like the United States, the integrity of the EPA should never need to be questioned. However, simply posing the thought “whether the EPA is hazardous” suggests a disquieting response.
As such, and if true that the EPA is hazardous to health, it is incumbent upon the public to root out and toss out perpetrators because a democracy, or an autocracy for that matter, should never allow public servants to knowingly harm/kill/maim its own people.

EPA Chief Needs 24-Hour Security after Shutting Down Inefficient and Corrupt Programs

Since taking over the EPA, he has saved an estimated $30 billion by cutting waste and fraud. He replaced EPA advisory panels with independent experts instead of people who depend on the EPA for grant money. Pruitt rescinded the EPA's regulations called 'Waters of the United States' that were merely a scheme for federal zoning and confiscation of private land. [...]

‘Blatant Censorship’: EPA Muzzles Its Own Climate Scientists

In what critics are calling “a blatant example of the scientific censorship” being imposed on climate researchers by the Trump White House, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) late Sunday abruptly canceled the presentations of three government scientists who were set to discuss recent climate change findings at a conference in Rhode Island.

Mr. Toxicity Zaps America

America’s all-time-leading heartless anti-science zealot EPA Administrator Scott “Mr. Toxicity” Pruitt, as of March 2017, nixed his own agency’s proposal of 2015 to ban the toxic chemical chlorpyrifos, an insecticide that attacks the nervous system of pesky insects, as well as pesky and non-pesky people (the Nazis invented it for germ warfare). It’s sprayed on crops of foodstuff that ends up in grocery stores.

Trump Cripples Science… and Golf?

The Trump administration has a nasty habit of issuing “sentences before verdicts,” which is eerily similar to the “off with your head” mentality of the Queen of Hearts in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.  Off with your head is the Trump/Pruitt/Zinke overriding approach to science, thus leaving America’s best and brightest in a vortex of perpetual bewilderment.