BRICS committed to strengthened economic cooperation in the face of trade war

With the rise of protectionist tendencies and Trump’s billowing trade war, the five leaders of the BRICS bloc, which represents over 40% of the world’s GDP, are committing themselves to an even closer degree of economic cooperation in a joint declaration following a meeting in Johannesburg for the annual summit. Trade between BRICS members grew by 30% in 2017, and, in the wake of Trump’s tariffs regime, is likely to increase as members seek to further diversify their trade portfolios as well as mitigate the damage done by Trump’s war to put or keep America on top of the world.

World Trade Cup: Shanghai Cooperation Organization vs. G7

The two-day summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, which took place last weekend from an economic standpoint, truly outplayed the G7 soap drama that took place in Canada.
China and India appear to be in the driver’s seat of the global economy for the balance of this 21st century. They, along with supportive Southeast Asian countries and with Russia as their vast and friendly neighborhood energy and natural resources supplier.

Iran turns to old friends amid European exodus

Press TV – June 12, 2018 The world’s biggest container shipper Maersk Line says it is reviewing Iran operations in the face of US sanctions following President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from an international nuclear deal. Verbal pledges by European governments to shield trade with the Islamic Republic have not stopped companies from pulling out of […]

Putin trolls the G7 (Video)

Speaking at a press conference in China following a successful SCO summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to comment on the G7 final statement but said that its criticism of Russia’s “so-called destabilizing efforts” in the West is “unfounded,” and that “this creative babbling” by other world leaders has so far “led to nothing.”
Putin told those at the press conference that Russia did not choose to leave the G7 and would be happy to host its members in Moscow. Putin told reporters at a briefing in China’s city of Qingdao…

Xi and Putin, cooking up some Chinese dishes, as G7 in Toronto sours (Video)

Xi and Putin exhibited their friendship during the SCO, while in Toronto cracks formed between the G7 leaders.
Xi and Putin will meet this Saturday in China with senior officials from India, Iran and Pakistan
The Chinese president is the only foreign leader with which Putin has celebrated his birthday, according to Putin himself: “We drank vodka and sausages,” he recalled in an interview with Chinese television earlier this week.

China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization is evolving to take on NATO (Video)

With all eyes on the upcoming Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, the weekend summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization regional security bloc has gone largely under-reported by the western mainstream media.
When SCO summit gets under way in the Chinese port city of Qingdao on Saturday, the leaders from the eight-member bloc are expected to take on some very pressing geo-political issues, from the tensions on the Korean peninsula, to the Iran nuclear deal and a looming US driven trade war.

Interview 1364 – Financial Survival in Globalist Conference Season

[audio mp3=""][/audio]This time on Financial Survival, James and Melody discuss the many globalist confabs filling up the meeting planners of the super-gophers this weekend, from Bilderberg in Italy to G7 in Canada to SCO in China and the North Korean summit.

Russia hosts Eurasian SCO meeting

China and Russia have fat-tracked their cooperation and alliance in recent years. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will meet on the sidelines of the SCO Meeting in Sochi November 30, 2017 [Xinhua]
The 16th meeting of the Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which opens in the Russian port city of Sochi on Thursday, will look at global economic recovery, regional security and counter-terrorism efforts among its Eurasian members.