
Ecce Mortis: The City Museum Complex: Indian Museum

“Welcome to Indian Museum, where villains, Viral Deviants (VD’S) and Terrorists of the past are preserved for your enlightenment,” said The Guide.
The Guide, tall, serious, had silver hair; his gray eyes gleamed like sun-lit steel.  He wore the deep blue uniform of Indian Museum,  fashioned after the uniforms worn by soldiers of The Nation more than a century ago, when The West was won.

Happy Holidays — Nimitz Class Carriers Deliver Presents Across the Globe, 24/7, Two Decades Later

Oh, drats, someone in my family line, in Scotland, sent me this link as an example of, paraphrasing, great American stick-to-it gumption, superiority and bad-ass imperialism.
Quote: “No wonder the Iranians want this ship (aircraft carrier) out of the Persian Gulf. This is a great example of United States of America technology, teamwork and strength in action.  Hang on for the ride!”
Yep, this is the export of America, North America, that is — a nuclear powered, $4.5 billion dollar junk-killing-droning-child-wedding party-bombing-human death toll creator.

GMO Retractions, Denials, and Downright Lies

The saga surrounding Seralini’s research and the Biotech Industry’s Attempt at Damage Control…
Meanwhile back in the real world 266 scientists (and counting) call “foul” (fowl! – Genetically Modified speaking, of course)!!
I can only give readers  a  personal account of my brief encounter with Professor Seralini and the real truth behind the GM rats experiment. Especially written for those on the Dark Side who won’t believe the truth.1

Ecce Mortis: Notes from Other Ground: Injuns in the Park

Fire Bush. Dark, but no Indian. Surely. Obvious. Called himself Indian, claimed “The Assistants” were Indians too.
The Assistants: Chicken Killer, elderly in denim; floppy hat pierced with an old, dusty feather; weathered skin; faded illegible tattoos.
White Buffalo Woman, or “Buffalo Gal,” almost young and almost beautiful; white suede dress and moccasins; hip-length black hair; weary eyes.
The two (Missing?) Young; seventeen and sixteen; male and female;  Smashed Deer and Fidelity Desire.

There Is No GMO Debate When the Masters of the Universe Leave Truth on the Cutting Floor




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Ecce Mortis: Brief Excursion to Suburbiana: Parlor Radicals

The Furniture was confused.  It had done no wrong, as far as it could tell, and did not see why it should be punished.  We refer to The Furniture as a single unit, of course, for The Sofa, wisest, oldest piece in the room, naturally served as duly elected representative and spokes-piece for all The Furniture in The Parlor.
The stalwart, comfortable old Sofa had hosted human buttocks since the early nineteenth century.
“George Washington slept here,” she often boasted jokingly of the length and breadth of her immense self.

GMO Mafia Gets the Media to Break Science Writing Down to Prior Restraint?

We’ll be seeing an interview of Mae-wan Ho, a 72-year-old “geneticist  known for her critical views on genetic engineering and neo-Darwinism. Ho has authored or co-authored a number of publications, including 10 books, such as The Rainbow and the Worm, the Physics of Organisms (1993, 1998), Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare? (1998, 1999), and Living with the Fluid Genome (2003).” [Wikipedia]. That is forthcoming.

Cyber Monday: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Devolved Needs

Pardoning the turkeys
This is the pathetic nature of this Bennington Ad Cut-out Obama. Truly, a defining moment here, and one there, well, compiled, yes, Obama is rotten to the core, but it’s easy to play the current events and cultural consumerism game with this poser, this little Big Man. What was it, Eisenhower – that beastly thing – pardoned how many in his tenure as CEO of Corporate Amerika? Over 1,100. How many did Ray-Gun Committee on un-American (sic) Activities Ronald pardon? Over 300? We’re talking about incarcerated humans.