
Roseanne Truth & Luke Skywalker is an INCEL! – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Max, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh form the Alternate Current Radio Brain-trust for this edition of Boiler Room. On this episode the social rejects club is boiling down the erosion of language, the weaponization of popular terminology, the Rosanne Barr Twitter kerfuffle, the Monsanto Bayer merger and much more.
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Hollywood is Weird & Gross: Weinstein, IT & Creeper Cults – Jay Dyer

Harvey Weinstein is being portrayed as the root of all problems in Hollywood – “patriarchal males” – as if this were a feminism issue. The root problem is much worse, which is the systematic using of people and children, as well as promoting a mass agenda that is intent on damaging humans globally. Hollywood is a weaponized covert operation of mind control and cults that is, thank God, falling apart.
Purchase my book here.

Occult Secrets of Chinatown – Hollywood Decoded Ep 6 – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the multiple layers of corruption as depicted in the film Chinatown which are present throughout the strata of our society. As a burgeoning Los Angeles struggles to establish itself as a vital city, the power elite take this as an opportunity to make great financial gains for themselves. We learn that the archetypal figures portrayed in this film are representative of what is happening in the real world.

Attack of the SJWs & Tavistock Frankfurt School Mind Control: Jay Dyer on School Sucks Podcast

Brett Veinotte of The School Sucks Podcast invited me on to discuss my work.
(Above the Snowflakes Part 4) Our investigation continues…
This series aimed to examine the philosophical roots of the current intensifying social justice movement, and how messages from academia have spilled out into popular culture and consciousness. Today, Jay Dyer joins me to argue that the phenomenon actually has darker origins.