saxby chambliss

Architects of Atrocity Remain at Large, and Unrepentant

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has been taking bows for being the guardian of American law, decency, and character. It’s not. It’s not even close. American law, decency, and character have yet to be redeemed. Worse, only a small percentage of Americans in or out of power seems to care enough to act against the pall of moral failure still spreading through the culture.

Thoughts on the CIA's Senate spying booboo: Does anyone have any idea wtf is going on here?

Remember when 2001: A Space Odyssey astronauts Frank Poole (Gary Lockwood) and Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) thought they had evaded HAL's all-watchful eye so they could talk about their suddenly glitchy computer's, er, problems? But HAL wasn't to be messed with so easily! Kind of like our own CIA, maybe?"The inspector general’s account of how the C.I.A.

Republican Party Doomsday Clock: Default Countdown

Although Pelosi said on Tuesday that Boehner apparently needs to humor his troops, she claimed that the chances of a deal to prevent a default tomorrow are good-- even if poor McConnell is being pilloried by DeMint, Cruz and the crackpot suicide caucus for "leading the surrender." In case yours got stuck in the spam folder, his is from the letter DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund sent out to their supporters claiming McConnell "has made winning virtually impossible" for the far right, while McConnell and Reid were trying to hammer out a compromise that both sides could live with and that w