Saudi crown prince

Saudi McDonald’s, Burger King, Domino’s Pledge Allegiance to New Crown Prince

Ads and posts in support of Saudi Arabia’s new crown prince by food chains were met with ridicule by social media users.

(MEE) — McDonald’s and Burger King may be global competitors, but when it comes to Saudi politics, the fast food chains are on the same page. The Saudi franchises of both restaurants have pledged allegiance to Mohammed bin Salman who was promoted to crown prince on Wednesday.

The disastrous rise of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

King Salman of Saudi Arabia has now appointed his 31 year old son Prince Mohammed bin Salman his Crown Prince, ousting his nephew, former Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who had previously supervised Saudi Arabia’s security forces, and who is credited by some people with defeating the challenge within Saudi Arabia that extreme Wahhabi terrorists connected to Al-Qaeda posed to the ruling family.