Saudi Arabia

Yemen Revolutionaries: 10 Drones Hit Saudi Aramco Oil Facilities, Range of Targets to Be Expanded

Al-Manar | September 14, 2019 Yemeni revolutionaries claimed responsibility on Saturday for drone attacks on two major facilities run by Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil giant. Spokesman of Yemeni armed forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced that ten drones hit Abqaiq – home to the company’s largest oil processing plant – and Khurais facilities. […]

Human Trafficking is Booming in Yemen as the War Enters its Fifth Year

AMRAN, YEMEN — The offensive war on Yemen, the most impoverished nation in the Middle East, was launched in 2015 by a U.S.-backed coalition of Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia, the richest nation in the Middle East. It has plunged a nation already struggling to provide basic services to its citizens into chaos, a nation now ruled by a ragtag consortium of different groups all thirsting for power.  The result? A complete absence of law and order that has given rise to a black Suq (market) of human trafficking on a scale never before seen in Yemen.

Saudi crown prince meets with Zionist Christian delegation in Jeddah

Press TV – September 13, 2019 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, otherwise known as MbS, has met with an influential pro-Israel delegation of American evangelical Christians in Jeddah. Photos of the meeting, which was attended by leading American Christian Zionist leaders, including dual US-Israeli national Joel Rosenberg, were published by the Saudi government. The […]

9/11 Whistleblower Michael Springmann Revealed that 14 Out of 19 Hijacker Visas Came out of One Office in the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

J. Michael Springmann, who worked for the State Department, issued visas from 1987 to 1989 from the US Jeddah consulate in Saudi Arabia, and later learned it was being used by the CIA to issue visas to associates of Osama bin Laden who was creating the predecessor to al-Qaeda.

Yemen: Another Shameful US Defeat Looms

By Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 9, 2019 An official confirmation by the Trump administration of it holding discreet talks with Yemen’s Houthi rebels indicates a realization in Washington that its military intervention in the Arab country is an unsalvageable disaster requiring exit. There are also reports of the Trump administration urging […]