Satire & Humour

The Dress

Sylvia Shawcross Warning. This is a vaguely humorous piece during a time when humour has basically crashed and died a thousand deaths. If you haven’t laughed since 2019, it is not likely you will now but you know, it’s always worth a shot. Now, it is definitely getting very hard (even if you’re an atheist) …

Covida Commedia

John Griffin The following represents over two years of careful research and close logical reasoning, brought to fruition in one middle-of-the-night conversation when, sleepless through worry over the future of civilization – tea and ginger biscuits to hand – Olivia and I turned to the only subject that never quite goes away: Covid. “It’s got …

Covid Odyssey

John Griffin Who else senses the world shrinking around them? Was it only a year ago we could twirl a multi-hued globe and contemplate a trip to one of those inviting islets of colour? Now, such goals have become uncertain, hazardous, forbidden even. We are confined to our country, our state, our town, a backyard. …

Who was that masked man?

Hello, my fellow Americans. I’m Joe Biden. Remember me? You may have heard of me from time to time over the past months – especially after my opponents in the Democratic primaries were all bullied into dropping out of the race to ensure I’d be the nominee. That made the process a lot simpler, don’t you think? We all like simple things. I know I do.