Sarah Huckabee

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Can you imagine finding out that Sarah Huckabee Sanders could be your kid's Sunday School teacher? This is a woman who cited Romans 13 (the same verse was used to justify slavery and Hitler's Nazi movement) as biblical proof that it was perfectly OK to rip babies from their mother's arms and tell them that they will never see their child again.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThere's been so much chatter about Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her visit to the highly rated Red Hen in Lexington, VA. the last few days. Reservations even ticked up and the place is now booked for 4 solid weeks thanks to supporter reaction to the grossly immature tweets of Sanders and her boss but, now, according to Friday morning reports, the restaurant will close until July 5th so things can cool down.

Does It Surprise You To Know That Eating At An Over-Priced Trump Restaurant Is Like Eating Off The Floor Of A Public Toilet?

You'll have to click on the image before you figure out how to react if you see any of them in a restaurantThe ugly imbecile and illegitimate "president" of the U.S.-- who had millions of votes less than Hillary Clinton, the people's choice and who was helped by a foreign power (Russia) who wanted to cripple America by installing an incompetent moron-- is, in case you forgot, a gaslighting racist.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahYeah, they do say the eyes are windows to the soul! So, I guess she's perfect for the Trumpanzee White House.But... the last time I saw eyes like these, they belonged to a geek that was on a straw-covered stage, wearing a Pillsbury Flour sack, and biting the heads off of live chickens on a carny row in Florida. Funny thing is, the geek had a bit of an Arkansas accent.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahI am so sick of this woman. She has stretched whatever bounds of compassion any normal person can summon. What is it inside her that has made her so sick that it shows on the outside like an over-imposing billboard? Her complete inability to tell the truth about even the most obvious and mundane things is horrific and beyond treatment, as is her willing servitude to evil.