San Diego

Will A Court Allow Duncan Hunter To Avoid Prison Time In Return For Resigning From Congress? Darrell Issa Is Waiting

Drunkin' Hunter & DJ TrumpanzeeDuncan Hunter and his wife misappropriated at least a quarter million dollars from campaign funds to use for their lavish lifestyle. Hunter has decided his best defense was to blame his wife for stealing the money without his knowledge. The problem with that strategy is that he was using some of the money to pay hookers/lobbyists and carry on affairs with various women.

Duncan Hunter-- Like Father Like Son

Drunkin' Hunter and DJ TrumpanzeeWhen I started DWT in 2004, one of my goals was to drive a bevy of super-corrupt Republican congressmen out of office-- Richard Pombo up north and 3 thieves from down south: Jerry Lewis, Duke Cunningham and Duncan Hunter, Pombo was defeated by Jerry McNerney, one of the first congressional candidates supported by Blue America.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 144 Jon Gold We Were Lied to About 911 The Interviews

9/11 activist and researcher Jon Gold joins me once again to discuss his new book We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews. Jon explains what the book includes and why he decided to compile the book and make it freely available. Jon and I discuss the current state of the 9/11 truth movement and then move onto a few under-reported aspects of 9/11. We look at the strange contradictions and facts about what was happening in San Diego just before September 11th.

It's Hard To Imagine Duncan Hunter, Jr. Going Back To Congress In 2019

CA-50 is one of the last conservative Republican districts in California. Obama lost it both times-- badly-- and Trump beat Hillary 54.6% to 39.6%. The PVI is R+11. Duncan Hunter, Sr and Duncan Hunter, Jr-- two very crooked, self-entitled Republican assholes have held the district for 38 conservative years. Political education is very low and many people don't realize that Hunter I has been replaced by Hunter II.