
Pinkwashing Fascism? Germany’s Far-Right AfD Elects Lesbian Leader

Alice Weidel watches from the podium at the party convention of Germany’s far-right nationalist party AfD (Alternative for Germany) in Cologne, Germany, April 22, 2017. (AP/Martin Meissner)
Germany’s far-right, fascist party German Alternative für Deutschland, or AfD, has appointed an out lesbian as its new leader — a perplexing outcome for a group that staunchly opposed to same-sex marriage as well as other rights for LGBTQ people.

Which of the Supreme Court thug-justices finked out on God's own homo-haters?

The Washington Post's "Changing landscape of same-sex marriage" map (click to enlarge). Not "flipped" on the map are some "pending appeal" states in two of the three appeals-court circuits where the Supreme Court today let pro-marriage-equality rulings stand: in the Fourth Circuit, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina; and in the Tenth Circuit, Kansas and Wyoming.