Samantha Power

‘Independent’ report claiming Uyghur genocide brought to you by sham university, neocon ideologues lobbying to ‘punish’ China

US media hailed a Newlines Institute report accusing China of Uyghur genocide as a “landmark” independent analysis. A look beneath the surface reveals it as a regime change propaganda tool by interventionist operatives at a sham university. Throughout March 2021, headlines in corporate media outlets from CNN to The Guardian blared about the release of the “first independent report” to authoritatively determine that the Chinese government has violated “each and every act” of the United Nations convention against genocide, and […]

Will the Biden Team Be Warmongers or Peacemakers?

Obama and Biden meet Gorbachev – did Biden learn anything?  (Credit: Wikimedia Commons) Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as America’s next president! People all over this pandemic-infested, war-torn and poverty-stricken world were shocked by the brutality and racism of the Trump administration, and are anxiously wondering whether Biden’s presidency will open the door […]

China and Russia Win Human Rights Council Seats, but the Saudis Get Rejected

A delegate at the United Nations, Ambassador Mariangela Zappia of Italy, casts her vote as the General Assembly elects new members to the Human Rights Council amid the pandemic. The winners were: Bolivia, Britain, China, Cuba, France, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Senegal, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, Oct. 13, 2020. LOEY FELIPE/UN PHOTO

Climate Change Risks, Israel-Palestine Covid-19 Crisis, UN’s Partial Reopening

Carol Pasisi, an activist from the Pacific island nation of Niue, spoke to the Security Council on July 24 about the threats of climate change in her region, like damage to the blue economy.
The Security Council held a climate change and security debate, led by Germany, nearly 10 years since the first and last time the Council met on this specific issue and agreed to a presidential statement on it. The Dominican Republic also led a meeting on climate change in January 2019.

Senate report gives cover to Obama White House targeting Trump (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss a study by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence which found that the Obama White House was “not well-postured” to deal with the $4,000 Facebook ad spend by Russian social media firms that apparently subverted the multi-billion dollar presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
The report failed to investigate why the Obama White House was conducting meetings on the 2016 elections and the Trump campaign, failing to document their discussions and leaving no paper trail of their conversations.

A Most Influential Actor: The US Ambassador to the UN

Susan Rice, US envoy to the UN from 2009 to 2013, with some of her fellow ambassadors, clockwise from left: Peter Wittig of Germany;  Mark Lyall Grant of Britain; Li Baodong of China; Vitaly Churkin of Russia; and Gérard Araud of France, June 9, 2010. A study by a German scholar of US ambassadors to the UN reveals four styles, he writes: unilateralist, moderate unilateralist, moderate multilateralist and multilateralist. EVAN SCHNEIDER/UN PHOTO