Samantha Bee

How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Progressive Democrat And A Centrist?

A friendly congressman called me yesterday to complain about progressives-- particularly young ones-- not pulling together behind Pelosi and Biden. I reminded him what primaries are all about and he asked if I thought all the "energetic young people"-- who he doesn't think know anything (he said that)-- would accept Biden as the nominee if he wins the primary. I told him that most Democrats probably will, although I think Trump will be able to persuade many African-Americans to sit on their hands rather than vote for the racist Biden will be painted as.

Welcome To The Weekend--And Don't Forget: Biden Is Better Than Trump, Biden Is Better Than Trump, Biden Is Better Than Trump, Biden Is Better Than Trump

The visceral hatred most people I know have for Trump sometime drives them crazy. I'm not joking. People I would have never expected it from wish him dead. They wish his family dead. The reactions shock me-- and I'm the one who's supposed to be the furthest left! Almost all of them are so infuriated by Trump that they're actually willing to entertain helping elect the worst possible Democratic alternative, Status Quo Joe Biden.

Can Andy Beshear Beat Bevin This Coming November? Trump Is Flipping Out Over This Race

Kentucky is a weird and intriguing state when it comes to politics. Just watch the great explanation of what's going on there in the Samantha Bee video above before you read another word. It's one of the reddest states in the Union (PVI is R+15-- worse than Alabama, Mississippi, Texas or Kansas) and Trump beat Hillary there 1,202,971 (62.5%) to 628,854 (32.68). She won just two of Kentucky's 120 counties. Hillary even managed to lose Elliott County, which had never-- in its 150 year history-- voted for a Republican before, not Reagan, not Eisenhower, not Harding... just Trump.

Donald Trump-- Enemy Of The People

In a column published by The Guardian this morning, Robert Reich noted that In fighting all oversight, Trump has made his most dictatorial move. He worries that Trump has gone off the deep end to make sure there would be "no congressional oversight of this administration: no questioning officials who played a role in putting a citizenship question on the 2020 census. No questioning a former White House counsel about the Mueller report.

Regardless Of Political Party, Establishment Politicians Always Try To Kill Off Independent Thinks Who Challenge The Status Quo-- Meet Ilhan Omar (D-MN)

Conservatives are making a concerted effort into turning Ilhan and Rashida into "The Other"The NY Post, like many right-wing propaganda outlets, was on the attack last week. Except they're introducing a new "villain" to their readers.