Salvador Allende

Allende’s Political Program as Reference for a Sustainable Chile

This September marked 50 years since Salvador Allende’s Unidad Popular triumphed in the country’s democratic elections. On September 4, 1970, despite the CIA’s funding of right-wing politics to sabotage the electoral process, Chile chose socialism and was well on the way to prove that revolution could be carried out through democratic means – a process that created yet another hindrance for U.S. plans in the region. Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the U.S.

Grandson of overthrown Chilean President Salvador Allende defends Venezuela against US coup attempt

The grandson of Chile’s former elected socialist President Salvador Allende, who was toppled in a 1973 CIA-orchestrated military coup, has lived in Venezuela for 10 years. The Grayzone’s Ben Norton interviewed Pablo Sepúlveda Allende in Caracas. Sepúlveda Allende spoke about the many similarities between the democratic revolutions in Chile and Venezuela, and why he thinks Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. Transcript BEN NORTON: September 11 is a dark date not only in the […]

L’autre 11 Septembre : il y a 47 ans, le renversement de Salvador Allende

Il y a 47 ans, le renversement d’Allende, par Hernando Calvo Ospina

Le 11 septembre 1973, Salvador Allende, président démocratiquement élu du Chili, mourait pendant un coup d’Etat militaire ourdi et financé depuis les Etats-unis.
La répression fit 3 800 morts ou disparus (évaluation minimale) et plus de 37 000 torturés. Des centaines de milliers de Chiliens furent contraints à l’exil. Une aube noire se leva sur le Chili de Pinochet.

A Tale of Two 9/11s and the Lessons America Chooses Never to Learn

NEW YORK — Of apartheid South Africa’s myriad atrocities, one of the most medieval was a system in which white settlers plied their farmworkers with alcohol in lieu of wages. Known by the Afrikaans word for tot, or drink, the dop not only kept workers docile — and wages low — but, in fostering widespread and chronic dependency, the practice bordered on enslavement, manacling workers to their addictions and hence their oppression.

‘Virus’ of nationalism has been smashed repeatedly with dictatorships installed

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The horrors of ‘the first 9/11’ are routinely overlooked

On September 11, 1973, Salvador Allende’s democratic government in Chile was ousted by United States-backed forces in one of the Cold War’s defining moments. Allende himself was killed during the coup while his presidential palace, La Moneda, was extensively bombed. Many thousands of Chileans were either murdered, “disappeared”, imprisoned, and coerced to emigrate or enter exile. Allende’s widow and family were forced to go into hiding in Mexico for many years.

Venezuela, juin 2017 : Incendie du Tribunal Suprême de Justice, poursuites contre la procureure générale. Que se passe-t-il vraiment ?

Le 13 juin, un groupe armé de cocktails Molotov incendie un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice à Caracas
Le 13 juin 2017, des manifestants cagoulés ont incendié un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice du Venezuela à Caracas, à coups de cocktails Molotov. Le 21 juin, les membres de ce même Tribunal Suprême de Justice ont autorisé des poursuites contre la procureure générale du pays, Luisa Ortega Diaz.