Salma Yaqoob

STOP-THE-WAR: Idealism And Ignorance — Part 2

Quigley might have added the British stamped out thugee and suttee in India the same way they stamped out not only slavery but ritual murder in Africa, the latter being a practice that was still being carried out in the second half of the Twentieth Century.
To this we might add that India has also retained English as an official language, the country has a wonderful English language press, and many educated Indians speak it better than many of us natives.

STOP-THE-WAR: Idealism And Ignorance — Part 1

On July 15, the Stop-The-War Coalition held a live hangout with three speakers: Emy Onoura, Salma Yaqoob, and Chris Nineham. The theme of the hangout was British Imperialism from the international slave trade to the special relationship, and as might be expected, not one of the speakers had a good word to say about Imperialism, even American opposition to the 1956 Suez fiasco was interpreted by Nineham as an attempt to boost the US at the expense of the UK. The first speaker though was Onoura.