Sajid Javid

Amesbury poisoning incident fuels another wave of anti-Russian hysteria

RT | July 5, 2018 A new poisoning incident on UK soil has given British politicians a perfect reason for launching another McCarthian witch hunt on dissent. One MP already targeted RT and was called out for limiting free speech. “Could … members of this house on all sides not appear on Putin’s propaganda television […]

Novichok nerve agent sequel: UK Home Secretary blames it on Russia (Video)

Four months to the day after the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal the UK government and its mainstream media mouthpieces are launching a massive blame game and diplomatic crisis once again directed towards Russia.
Novichok has now been identified as the culprit in the hospitalization of an Amesbury, UK couple.
All of this has suddenly, and conveniently, unfolded as Russia hosts a massively successful World Cup, and as US President Donald Trump prepares to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in two weeks time on July 16th in Helsinki, Finland.

UK Minister: Amesbury Poisoning ‘not targeted’ or ‘linked to Skripals’

The latest reports from the Amesbury alleged “Novichok poisoning” have taken a turn for the weirder. According to several reports, UK Minister of State for Security Ben Wallace has said that the Amesbury “poisonings” were neither targetted, nor linked to the Skripals. He said that instead, he believes it is a “contamination by Novichok”.

UK’s New Immigration Chief Is a Pakistani Muslim

The son of Muslim immigrants from Pakistan, Sajid Javid, has been appointed to be the new Home Secretary of the UK, which entails oversight of immigration and citizenship affairs, national security, and policing. He is a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. This makes him the most important Pakistani Muslim in the UK government, eclipsing London Mayor Sadiq Khan. [...]