
Putin: We had nothing to do with US elections

The Russian and US delegations led by Putin and Trump met for a working lunch in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018 [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin has hailed his summit with US President Donald Trump as a first step to clearing tensions between their two countries and denied any role in the 2016 presidential election.
“Of course, numerous problems persist, and we have failed to clear the backlog in full, it was impossible to do this, but I believe we have made the first important step in that direction,” he told reporters.

Putin: Russia to modernize nuclear deterrents

Russia’s modern supersonic and high-altitude weapons will force the West to take it seriously, Putin has said [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir has said that a global balance of power is a necessity to ensure security and stability around the world.
During a meeting with Armed Forces commanders and defense industry executives on Tuesday, the Russian president lauded his country’s development of new weapons systems as deterrents.
One such new program is the S-500 surface-to-air anti-missile system which builds on the success of the S-400 system currently in use.

Russia responds to Trump: ‘US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down, origin of launch will be targeted’

“The Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their launch pads,” said Moscow’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin in an interview with al-Manar TV.
He continued by saying, that “Russia will implement what its President [Vladimir Putin] announced on dealing with any American aggression on Syria by knocking down US missiles and targeting its launch centers.”

US warns Iraq of ‘consequences’ if it buys Russian S-400 missile systems

Press TV – February 23, 2018 The United States has warned Iraq, among a number of other countries, of the consequences of extending military cooperation with Russia, and striking deals to purchase advanced weaponry, particularly the S-400 surface-to-air missile defense systems. US State Department spokeswoman Heather Neuert said on Thursday that Washington has contacted many […]

Head-to-head matchup: Russia’s S-400 and America’s Patriot missile system

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Erdogan will be Assad’s emissary to Moscow next week

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NATO warns Turkey not to buy Russian S-400 missile defense system

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NATO Threatens ‘Consequences’ After Turkey Buys Russian Missile System

In looking to upgrade their air defense system, Turkey had a choice: buying the advanced Russian S-400 systems, or more expensive, US-made alternatives. Turkey chose to buy Russian, and NATO isn’t happy.
While NATO was initially just complaining the S-400 was incompatible with their own systems, top NATO General Petr Pavel told reporters this week that Turkey is likely to be punished by the alliance for not buying American.