S-300 missile system

Netanyahu in Moscow for Victory Day: why did Putin invite him?

News of the recent attendance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Moscow’s 9th May Victory Day Parade provoked a predictable range of reactions ranging from anger, dismay, denial and – on the part of some of the US’s and Israel’s friends – even a certain amount of gloating.
For an example of the latter, see for example these words by the British historian Niall Ferguson in a lengthy article hailing Donald Trump’s supposed masterstroke in pulling out of the JCPOA.

Israel’s Netanyahu to be guest of honour at Russia’s Victory Day Celebration

The Russian government has confirmed that Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel has been invited to attend Russia’s forthcoming 9th May Victory Day Celebration as the guest of honour.  He will also hold high level talks with the Russian government and with President Putin.
The Kremlin’s website has published a statement to that effect