S-300 missile defense system

Russia to Upgrade Syria’s Air Defense System, Escalating Tensions With Israel

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Wednesday that the planned delivery of an S-300 air defense system to Syria will be completed in the “near future.” They did not provide an exact date, though Russia is interested in shoring up Syria’s air defense capability. That’s because on April 13, the US, France, and Britain attacked Syria, firing over 100 […]

Commander of US Troops in Syria Makes “Secret and Unprecedented” Visit to Israel

(ZHE) — Increasingly it appears that the recent US coalition missile strikes on Syria have utterly backfired: instead of weakening Syria or degrading its military capabilities, the attack may have actually served to strengthen Syria’s defenses. Since the massive strike which involved the US, UK, and France launching over 100 cruise missiles, Russia is rumored to be moving forward on delivery […]