Russian tv

Russian TV Mockingly Tells Citizens to Prepare for Nuclear War With America

With ominous mushroom clouds in the background, Russian TV tells citizens how to fill bunkers with shelf-stable foods like rice and sugar. (COMMONDREAMS) As President Donald Trump sent mixed messages about his plans for possible military action in Syria this week, Russian state media advised citizens to take his warnings from earlier this week to heart, […]

WATCH: Debate show gets violent after a Polish commentator calls Russians ‘red fascists’

An audience at a taping of a Russian debate show learned that free speech isn’t always without its cuts and bruises. During a debate on Russia’s role in The Great Patriotic War and how it allowed for the liberation of Europe, a far-right Polish commentator Tomasz Maciejczuk said that Russian journalist Ruslan Ostashko’s ancestors were ‘red fascists’.
Because Russians sacrificed over 20 million people to defeat fascism, calling any Russian a fascist is a grave insult. Maciejczuk is a well know provocateur and used the epithet to intentionally inflame the debate.