Russian interference

Yates And Feinstein Lie To The World Blaming Vladimir Putin For Anti-Trump Witch-Hunt

Sally Yates testified by video-link. She was interrogated vigorously by Lindsay Graham with the odious Dianne Feinstein parroting all the rubbish we have heard before about Russian interference.
The entire, three hour plus meeting was streamed by Fox Business and can be found at this link.
Graham began by giving Yates the opportunity to come clean by suggesting she had been kept in the dark by President Obama, but she showed where her loyalties lie.

German intelligence finds ‘no evidence’ of Russian interference in German politics

Reports that German intelligence has been unable to find any evidence of Russian interference in German politics comes as no surprise.
It has become an article of faith on the part of establishment politicians and commentators in the West that the Russian government (always referred to as “the Kremlin”) is manipulating from behind the scenes the political processes in Western countries.