RussiaGate witch hunt

Trump’s attorney general nominee William Barr blows apart Mueller investigation (Video)

It is common knowledge by this point of the investigation that special counsel Robert Mueller has no collusion case against Donald Trump.
With William Barr set to take over the DOJ, it is now looking like Mueller’s hope for an obstruction case against Trump is all but over…leaving the Mueller witch hunt with nothing more than a washed up porn star, a 1990’s playboy centerfold, and some dubious claims that Trump somehow violated campaign finance law.

The Myths We Tell Ourselves

"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office."
Your average mass media pundit regularly decries the fact Americans no longer have trust in the country's institutions, yet simultaneously refuse to take any sort of responsibility for the situation. Government bureaucrats and other assorted supporters of our decrepit status quo tend to do the same thing. As is typically the case, I'll take the other side.