
Russiagate is a 100 percent fake story, Part III: The Brookings Institution and Ukraine [Video]

As our series continues, we briefly refer to the earlier parts of it: The first part of this series lays out the claim that we believe Russiagate to be a complete and total fabrication, mainly used by Democrats to damage or control President Trump, and also utilized by GOP people who wish to use it as a cover for their own Deep State activities, which are notably hostile to an increasingly Christian, traditionalist Russia.

Surprise, surprise (no surprise) – Analyst says Russians did NOT hack DNC server [Video]

On July 18th, Bill Binney, a former technical director with the National Security Agency (NSA) went public on a video interview, saying something that readers of The Duran have known for three years or longer: the Russians did not hack anyone. Even the around the edges hinting of Russian involvement in somehow ‘meddling’ with the American presidential elections in 2016 is absolutely false. Here are some quotes from the interview featured in the video clip:

Today’s Democratic Party Distrusts Republicans About Russia

Eric Zuesse
On February 14th, the reader-comments at a popular website for Democratic Party activists expressed outrage when a report was posted there that “Pompeo Secretly Met Russian Foreign Minister”.
The “Best” (or most-liked) reader-comment to that was:
Fucking goddamn TRAITORS.
Dems need to be ALL OVER THIS.
But will they be???? I tend to doubt it.
And what will we do when Tangerine Traitor Tot fake-“wins” another election???