
“Smoking gun” text messages confirm Obama White House – NOT Russia – meddled in 2016 election

The RussiaGate scandal is one of the most aggressively pushed and factually empty hoaxes a government has ever tried to pull on its people.
The fact we have this phoney scandal in the United States, which is supposed to be the “land of the free”, is also a huge travesty against both the integrity and honor of the nation.

Donald Trump to Russia investigation: ‘I’d like to’ testify (VIDEO)

The rabid mainstream American press is still in a massive state of self-delusion. The usual response they expect from someone who is guilty of some sort of wrongdoing is for them to refuse to comment or leave the room without answering. However, the President appears to be much more grounded in reality than the news media is.

Want to know who’s behind the Russia scandals? He’s right here.

Over the last 15 months or longer, there has been a very carefully orchestrated campaign of rhetorical propaganda that all has the same kind of characteristics:

  • extreme, but connected claims and assertions
  • an expression of ideology that seems to explain all the actions
  • Zero hard evidence as proof of any allegation

Rush Limbaugh said many years ago that the thing that matters in modern politics is this:

President Trump will not fire Robert Mueller. But would he have reason to? [VIDEO]

Robert Mueller, the Special Prosecutor assigned to ferret out any sign of collusion between Donald Trump and agencies of the Russian Federation, is continuously framed as “a man of impeccable integrity.” This is the by-line that anyone can expect to hear whenever the validity of the collusion investigation is questioned.

House Intel Committee: No evidence of collusion with Russia (Video)

A new draft report by the GOP House Intel Committee finds no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
For everyone on planet earth, and reading The Duran for the last 14 months, this was obvious from day one when the Trump-Russia hoax was cooked up by “Crooked” Hillary and the DNC.
Republican Mike Conaway explains the reports’ finding on Tucker Carlson…