
Whoever is running Imposter Biden is pretty bad at it – [Video]

The present Presidential Administration is probably the most interesting in modern history. By “interesting“, the emphasis is on the tragic nature of the leadership in Washington D.C., and the direction the United States is headed at present. After four great years of American revival under President Donald Trump, the American haters have made up for […]

A special meeting on the Syrian file of the “Group of Seven”.

The United States of America announced that a meeting of the “Group of Seven” will be held next Monday on the Syrian file in particular. The United States indicated that it will take place on the sidelines of the “Group of Seven” meeting, which will take place in the Italian capital, “Rome”. The “International Coalition […]

The West Has Trouble Adapting its Behaviour to Cope With China’s Role

One of the more interesting phenomena at the present time is the campaign against China, to try to portray it as some sort of evil force determined to rule the world in its own image. The timing of this phenomenon is interesting. For much of the post-World War II period China was largely ignored. “China” […]
The post The West Has Trouble Adapting its Behaviour to Cope With China’s Role first appeared on Dissident Voice.

China and Russia Quiet about US Past Genocides and Ongoing Genocide in the Middle East and Africa

The world facing desperate situations of climate change, planetary degradation and nuclear war preparation desperately needs protection from inhumane deceiving war promoting Western media, and from where shall it come if not from the bountiful and powerful two great designated adversaries of the Western powers, China, the world’s most populous nation and largest economy, and […]

EU shelves Russia dialogue

But the bottom line is that the German-French initiative has caused a divide within the EU, with East European and Baltic countries that are closer geographically to Russia being wary of any loosening of the EU’s approach to Moscow. Equally, the German-French initiative will alarm Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova in Russia’s ‘near abroad’. *** A thoughtful, far-sighted proposal by German[Read More...]

The Syrian war is over: now what?… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The US and EU are holding 13 million Syrians living inside Syria as hostages to their project to effect ‘regime change’ in Damascus. Western and European governments have continued to ignore the reality on the ground. The Syrian government remains in control of the majority of the territory […]

The Capitalist Pandemic, The Assault on Consciousness, and America’s Status as Chosen People of the Planet

The new CEO fronting for America Inc. completed his first meeting among our Euro lapdogs – officially known as NATO – and had a more important meeting with Putin in which, according to media servants of market forces, he let him know who’s boss of the universe. Politely, of course, because even this glorified clerk […]

The United States Continues to Play its Geopolitical Games but the Rest of the World Moves On

One has to seriously wonder what game Joe Biden thinks he is playing. Fresh from what appears to have been an amiable meeting with Vladimir Putin in Geneva, the United States promptly announced a new range of sanctions upon Russia. The ostensible reason for the latest sanctions was the imprisonment of minor Russian dissident Alexei […]

What happened to Glenn Greenwald? Trump happened and put the left’s priorities to the test

There’s been a new public fracturing of the intellectual left, typified by an essay last week from Nathan J Robinson, editor of the small, independent, socialist magazine Current Affairs, accusing Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi of bolstering the right’s arguments. He is the more reasonable face of what seems to be a new industry arguing […]