
Syrian Kurds say ready to talk with Damascus government

Press TV – July 4, 2021  The so-called Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, commonly known as Rojava, has said it is open to negotiations with the Syrian government which is in the final stages of purging foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants. The foreign relations department of Rojava, in a statement issued on Saturday, responded positively […]

Russian diplomats say Moscow not behind cyberattacks on US targets, but is itself constantly bombarded by Americans

By Jonny Tickle | RT | July 2, 2021 One day after the US accused Moscow of being behind cyberattacks on both government bodies and private business, the Russian Embassy in Washington has pointed the finger at the Americans, accusing them of hacking Russian targets. Writing on Facebook, the diplomatic mission rejected accusations that Russian […]

The Istanbul Canal opens the path for further NATO pressure against Russia

By Paul Antonopoulos | July 2, 2021 A new mega-project has been launched – the Istanbul Canal, connecting the Marmara and Black Seas. It will be an alternative to the Bosporus Strait, and thus challenges the Montreux Treaty and opens the path for further NATO pressure against Russia. However, there is major opposition to the […]

US News media now the LEAST TRUSTED in the world – [Video]

The American news media is now officially polled as the least trustworthy on the entire planet. A Reuters Institute / University of Oxford survey polled 92,000 news consumers in 46 markets around the world, including India, Indonesia, Russia, and many other nations. The Executive Summary Report is damning, and is best expressed concisely in this graph: […]

The War on Reality

CJ Hopkins So, the War on Reality is going splendidly. Societies all across the world have been split into opposing, irreconcilable realities. Neighbors, friends, and even family members are bitterly divided into two hostile camps, each regarding the other as paranoid psychotics, delusional fanatics, dangerous idiots, and, in any event, as mortal enemies. In the …

Judge tosses frivolous lawsuit by heiress Sulome Anderson seeking to destroy The Grayzone

Entitled heiress Sulome Anderson waged a McCarthyite lawfare campaign to destroy The Grayzone. We can now expose her and the powerful forces behind her deranged legal assault. “Because of the lawsuits my family won against Iran, I had all the money in the world to spend on drugs, and I made some dealers a lot of money.” –Sulome Anderson, 2016  “I’ll destroy him :)” –Sulome Anderson on defendant Ben Norton, 2017 “I’m not stupid enough to take it this far […]

While Russia prays and trains for war, American forces train for gay sex [Video]

We printed a piece a few days ago, entitled “This is what a great military does: they pray to God.” Of course, we highlighted Russia, in her continuing embrace of traditional and Christian values, as reflected in the Divine Liturgy being served in the new and massive cathedral built for the Armed Forces of the […]