
COVID-19 cases increase sharply among VACCINATED people [Video]

A new British study on the behavior of SARS-CoV-2 among vaccinated populations revealed that 47% of all new cases being reported are among people who have been fully vaccinated against the disease. This was reported by a new and very well-presented news source called Front Page with Scott Goulet. We offer his video presentation. The relevant report begins […]

Afghanistan War Outcome: Hope for Sovereign Nations Fighting the Scourge of Neocolonial Imperialism

Photo credit from the archives of Newsonline Exits of Netanyahu and Trump: chance to dial down Mideast tensions The Iraqi geopolitical analyst, Ali Fahim, recently said in an interview with The Tehran Times: “The arrival of [newly elected Iranian President] Ebrahim Raisi at the helm of power gives a great moral impetus to the resistance […]

US Military supporting illegal alien “invasion” as Democrat op continues [Video]

The oath of office for the Presidency of the United States is very simple: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The oath for the […]

Russia ready to face turkey in Idlib conflict… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Idlib sits ready for battle. The last terrorist controlled area is waiting for imminent military action.  The small agricultural province, full of olive trees and terrorists, sits poised to spring into action. The former Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is heavily armed, and has depended on […]

Russia’s about-face on Syria’s Idlib is the opening gambit of a larger diplomatic chess game

By Scott Ritter | RT | July 17, 2021 The Russian vote at the UN Security Council in favor of extending a humanitarian air corridor into Syria has been touted by the US government as a victory of American diplomacy. Moscow might have other ideas. In a rare display of diplomatic cooperation, the US and […]

Needed Urgently! New US National Myth

Empires rise and fall. And usually burn themselves out rather quickly. What else is new? ‘American decline’ is a Wikipedia page. You can feel it in the air. One greets it with dread or hope, or better dread-hope. America’s sins are adding up, yet the US is a behemoth for well over two centuries and […]
The post Needed Urgently! New US National Myth first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The dirty game of mandating vaccination via corporation [Video]

The United States and the Russian Federation have come to an agreement! The sanctions need to end, right here and right now, because the two greatest powers in the world are standing together on a matter of great global importance! Well… not so much. However, both countries are attempting to use propaganda in a very aggressive and […]