Russia in the World

Using the Olympics as a Weapon in the Total War on Russia

In response to Russia’s stance against Western aggression in Syria, the West has launched a full-scale war against Moscow. One of the major triggers of this war seemed to be when Russia diplomatically outmanoeuvred the US (through brokering a deal that brought Syria’s chemical weapons under international control) following the Ghouta sarin gas attack in 2013 – which the West blamed on Assad’s forces, but which was in fact a false flag attack to justify an invasion of Syria. 

Putin: Nyet to Neo-liberals, Da to National Development

After more than two years of worsening economic growth and an economy struggling with 10.5% central bank interest rates that make new credit to spur growth virtually impossible, Russian President Vladimir Putin has finally broken an internal factional standoff. On July 25 he mandated that an economic group called the Stolypin Club prepare their proposals to spur growth revival to be presented to the government by the Fourth Quarter of this year.

Tackling Russia on the Sports Field

Americans like to say: ‘if you can’t beat them, join them,’ but this advice has been forgotten by the pointy heads in Washington. The last thing they want is to join Russia in solving the world’s dire problems. Since that makes them look pretty bad, they are looking for every possible way to peel support away from a country they claim is America’s enemy.

Putin Denounces Western Support for Terrorists and Neo-Nazis

From Ukraine to Syria; Libya to Iraq: the West has repeatedly shown itself to be an imperial entity which brings nothing but chaos, devastation and destabilization to its victims. Contrary to spreading ‘freedom and democracy’ through its geopolitical endeavours, the West’s rap sheet in the 21st century is unrivalled in its immorality and malevolence.

Russia’s Achilles Heel – Reflections from St. Petersburg

For three days this month, June 16-18, I had the opportunity to participate as a panelist in the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia. I’ve been in Russia many times since the Ukraine US-backed coup d’état of February 2014, and the deliberate escalations of NATO military and economic tensions and sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Is There a Difference Between a Democracy and a Western-style Democracy?

Democracy has got to be the most overworked and under-defined word in the English language these days – in fact, in any language, given that memes spread across the planet faster than the speed of light. The more ruthless and rash the United States becomes in its determination to rule the world, relying increasingly on the power of words, the greater the urgency of unmasking its use of the word ‘democracy’ as a farce.

‘Black Friday’ For GMO in Russia

The destructive global project known as GMO or Genetically Manipulated Organisms is incurring major defeats. The once-formidable muscle of Monsanto, Bayer AG, Syngenta, Dow-DuPont seems to be suffering from a rare form of political muscular dystrophy. In Russia, despite enormous pressure from the western GMO cartel on individual Duma members and Russian scientists, the Duma or state Parliament on June 24, passed the third and final reading of the bill that now bans totally all GMO crop cultivation and GMO animals.

Mikhael Gorbachov Enjoys The Treatment Reserved for Surrendering Military

“REVILED, REVERED, AND STILL CHALLENGING RUSSIA TO EVOLVE”: This is the headline with which the NYT recently signaled a new book by the man who ended the Soviet Union, and has continued to work for global peace ever since. In a long, but consistently dismissive article, the Times acknowledges the last Soviet leader’s role in ending the Cold War, while conveying disdain for him and his country.