
How the Department of Homeland Security Created a Deceptive Tale of Russia Hacking US Voter Sites

The narrative about Russian cyberattacks on American election infrastructure is a self-interested abuse of power by DHS based on distortion of evidence, writes Gareth Porter. By Gareth Porter Special to Consortium News The narrative of Russian intelligence attacking state and…Read more →

In Stunning Reversal, Michael Cohen’s Attorney Backpedals On Trump-Russia Claims

Lanny Davis – the attorney for Michael Cohen, has massively backpedaled on “confident assertions” that Cohen would share information with investigators that President Trump knew of Russian efforts to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – a lifelong friend of Davis’.
The Washington Post reported on Sunday that Davis said in an interview that he is “no longer certain about claims he made to reporters on background and on the record in recent weeks about what Cohen knows about Trump’s awareness of the Russian efforts.

FINALLY: Russian doping case FAILS in court. Time to revisit Russia-gate?

It happened…Pandora’s Box was torn open, and out came Russia-gate, the Syrian Crisis, The Ukraine Crisis, and so much more, including the Russian Olympic doping scandal. By an odd turn of fate, however, it may be the resolution of the doping scandal, which brings hope for the other greater issues. Evidence for the Russian Olympic doping scandal, including the key testimony of Grigory Rodchenkov, was finally tried with fire – and found severely lacking. According to RT:

FBI wants $300 MILLION to prevent election meddling – can’t even prevent crime

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi want to explain to you, why the taxpayers should give the FBI another 300 million dollars. Is it to prevent terrorism…no. What about sexual predators, not at all. The alarming amount of insane people gunning people down in the streets, no, no, no…they apparently need the funds to keep The KGB out of your twitter feed.

La main du FBI derrière le Russia-Gate, par Ray McGovern

Source : Ray McGovern, Consortium News, 11-01-2018
Durant l’ère Watergate, les libéraux ont sonné l’alarme sur la manipulation des politiciens américains par les agences de renseignement, mais aujourd’hui, la haine de Trump aveugle beaucoup d’entre eux sur la réalité du danger qui s’annonce, comme l’explique l’ancien analyste de la CIA Ray McGovern.

The Finale Is Upon Us: Russia-Gate Implodes

The finale is upon us: the Russia-gate fraud is about to be exploded, at long last. Although the vaunted memo – and the underlying intelligence – compiled by the leadership of the House Intelligence Committee under chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has yet to be released, there has been enough chatter by those House members who have read it to give us the basic elements of what it contains. Although prepare to be shocked by what I consider to be the most outrageous aspect of this affair.