Russ Tice

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: NSA Whistleblower Slams Fake “Reforms”

Peter B. Collins Presents Russell Tice
As the political theater in Washington fades, we talk about the phony reforms of the “USA Freedom Act” versus the ongoing, expansive surveillance by NSA and FBI, with recent revelations of the FBI’s fleet of Cessna planes with high tech monitoring capabilities and the warrantless interception of internet signals at borders that Obama information’s going to use it for their benefit”.
Listen to the Preview Clip Here

Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Counter-Intelligence: Spying Deters Democracy

Scott Noble is an extraordinarily productive filmmaker who has built up an impressive treasure trove of documentaries at Metanoia Films. The films deal with topics such as the plutocracy’s determination to entrench and maintain its power and wealth through myriad means — among them psychological ops, black ops, propaganda, disinformation, and more.

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Important Disclosures from Internal NSA Whistleblowers

Peter B. Collins Presents Former NSA Insiders Drake, Binney, Tice & Roark
The Snowden files have confirmed the prior and subsequent disclosures of former high ranking NSA employees that exposed internal corruption, billions of dollars of wasteful spending/contractor profiteering, and reckless disregard for our constitutional rights. In powerful excerpts from interviews with Thomas Drake, William Binney, Russell Tice and Diane Roark, you will hear what ObamaCo has refused to listen to: true accounts of NSA wrongdoing from eyewitnesses.

NSA Blackmailing Obama? | Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice

breakingtheset · July 9, 2013

Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal is only scratches the surface of a massive surveillance apparatus, citing specific targets the he saw spying orders for including former senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.

The EyeOpener Report- Compromised: How the National Security State Blackmails the Government

While the world watches every twist and turn in the unfolding Edward Snowden drama, the story becomes less and less about the information he revealed and more and more about an international manhunt. But if the issues of PRISM and spying on China and GCHQ’s spying at the G20 are falling off the radar, then how much further off the radar is the story of Russell Tice?