Ruby Ridge

Porkins Policy Radio episode 136 Homeland Season 7 Russiagate Redux with Tom Secker

Tom Secker joins e today for our mid season breakdown of Homeland Season 7. We start off by discussing the first major arc of the season, the Ruby Ridge/Waco standoff between O’Keefe and and the FBI. Tom and I discuss the surprisingly balanced approach Homeland has taken to this topic. We discuss the idea that this is a clever attempt at portraying the CIA as the adults in the room willing to negotiate, as opposed to the psychotic gun totting FBI. We also explore the historical events Homeland is touching on: Ruby Ridge and Waco.

'Tis the Season — to Remember

By Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgThis is the season of joy and this writer is more hopeful about the future than many of my colleagues in the revisionist world. Yet, when I  meditate on our shortcomings dark clouds can gather. One of these is our amnesia about our own recent history and our apathy about memorializing it. Vicki Weaver and her young son were killed by Federal agents in 1992 at Ruby Ridge, here in Idaho. There is no statue to the victims or any memorial of any kind.