Ron Johnson

When Will There Be Real GOP Opposition To Trump And The "Permanent Damage" He's Doing To America?

Two very different visions for Wisconsin by Nancy OhanianWant to get into the time machine for a moment? Not ancient Egypt or a chance to hear Socrates or even a look at the French declaring human rights while chopping off the heads of their oppressors . Glorious moments in the history of man, but our trip is just two years ago-- to July, 2006.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahWell, now it seems that Republicans have flipped their lids so badly that they are seeing a "secret society," a dastardly club of nefarious conspirators allied against their "president"; FBI conspirators no less.We've always known that being a delusional, paranoid crackpot is a major qualification for membership in the Republican Party but this is even more surreal than usual.

More evidence surfaces showing FBI colluded to get Hillary Clinton off the hook for email server (Video)

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State Of The Races-- Wisconsin Senate Contest And Presidential Head-To-Heads

To be honest, Wisconsin voters have had feeling of buyer's remorse for some time and there really wasn't any smart money on far right extremist Ron Johnson ever being reelected. Real Clear Politics average of polls for the Wisconsin Senate seat have Russ Feingold leader with 5.7% with 13 polls going back a year. Feigned was ahead in every single one of them.

Will The Republican Party EVER Be Able To Escape Its Own Congenital, Backward-Looking Obstructionism?

On the day Obama announced his nominee to fill Scalia's job was Merrick Garland, we made it clear what our opinion of the nomination is: Yuck! The political gamesmanship yielded up the most conservative nominee a Democrat has proposed to the Supreme Court in many decades. Terrible choice... but politically strategic.

Wisconsin Voters Overwhelmingly Prefer Russ Feingold To GOP Extremist Ron Johnson

I've been meaning to get around to this all week. It's another poll-- but not one about Trump or Hillary or Dr. Ben. Republicans have been trying to rile up their brain-dead base with horrible stories of terrorists coming to get them. How many times in their now boring debates have you heard talk about Christians being crucified and innocents being beheaded? But this is starting to wear thin, even to the poor deluded souls who admit that they're Republicans.