Romila Thapar

Who Needs Romila Thapar’s CV?

Thapar questioned imperialist versions of Indian history, which the Hindutva Brigade still goes by. historian who is indefatigable in the pursuit of knowledge and prolific in its publication, and who is above all a devoted partisan of the truth. … The early history of the country has been illuminated by Professor Thapar, whom I … Continue reading Who Needs Romila Thapar’s CV? →

To Gain a View of the Elephant – India, History, Modernity, and Marx : Ravi Sinha

Guest Post by Ravi Sinha (Marx Bicentennial lecture – Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, March 16, 2018) etaddhastidarshana iva jatyandhah That is like people blind by birth viewing an elephant. (Shankaracharya’s bhasya on Chandogya-Upanisad 18.1)[1]   It was six blind men of Indostan, To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them … Continue reading To Gain a View of the Elephant – India, History, Modernity, and Marx : Ravi Sinha

India’s Mutated Nationalism: Gandhi to Modi

I finished writing a collection of short-stories, which has appeared as Kafka Sutra, almost after a year of turmoil and obsessive work, in February 2016. Three or four days after I secretly mailed the manuscript to my editors, I still remember how the news left me aghast when I sat down to eat my dinner with the idiot box before my eyes. Some Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students had chanted slogans inside the campus, which they had swiftly denied.