
From Catholic to Orthodox – Eastern Catholics Are the Death Blow to Papism – Jay Dyer

A discussion on Uniates and Eastern Catholicism from a former Uniate, Alexander, who moved to Orthodoxy. Our guests recounts his journey in the world of Uniatism, its philosophical and theological incoherence, the many competing claims and rejections of *ecumencial councils* and incoherence of accepting Orthodox saints! Eastern catholicism didn’t begin this nonsense after Vatican 2, either.


Abraham & Genesis Explained 4 – Jay Dyer (Half)

In our Bible series we move to the next installment – the Abrahamic covenant.  We will see how is the model of the covenant for the inclusion of Gentiles, according to St Paul, as Abraham himself was a Gentile.  Abraham is the famous convert, and for St. Paul is the model of the convert as see he looked forward to the coming Messiah.  The full talks are available for those who subscribe to Live at 5 PM CST


Genesis Explained 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to the Genesis series as we cover the second chapter and its significance for man, as well as the secret prophetic and symbolic meanings, recalling the patristic analysis as well as the canonical context and typology. Genesis 2 focuses on the covenantal relationship between man and God, while chapter was cosmic in scope. I also explain the silly fiasco with Inspiring Philosophy at the outset as well as how it’s necessary to follow me on the backups. Live at 630 PM EST 


Introduction to Orthodox Philosophy: The Icon Documentary

I am often asked for a basic approach to my philosophy and worldview: Given our immersion in an image-dominated culture which is rapidly moving away from the necessary skills of reading and comprehension, the irony of the loss of literacy will likely lead to something akin to older iconographic importance for mass audiences.  We already see this trend with the popularity of Instagram and memes – another version of pale attempts at icons.

Vid – Stoicism, Logos & Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this half video for free, I discuss the historical circumstances and philosophical schools in the Roman Period. Still intoxicated from Hellenism, the Roman Stoics imbibed a syncretic blend of various philosophies that even included a vague notion of a universal “logos” principle, as we see in Marcus Aurelius’ famous ‘Meditations.’ The full talk can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links below.

Livre (roman) : « L’Élixir », de Sem

Imaginez qu’un laboratoire invente un jour une molécule qui permet à celui qui l’absorbe d’atteindre « l’Illumination » en trois heures seulement ; imaginez que le patron du groupe pharmaceutique à qui appartient ce labo décide de répandre cette molécule à travers une boisson énergisante vendue dans tous les supermarchés… Voici le pitch de L’Élixir, un roman rafraîchissant, où le lecteur suit le parcours de plusieurs personnages qui, pour la plupart, vont à moment