Rod Rosenstein

As publication of GOP memo looms panic grips Washington

As President Trump signals his intention to authorise publication of the GOP memorandum into alleged abuses by the FBI and the Justice Department, the atmosphere in Washington is turning hysterical.
As I predicted yesterday, the Justice Department and the FBI have been heavily lobbying President Trump to block publication of the GOP memorandum.  The FBI has even gone so far as to publish a statement saying that the GOP memorandum omits information and therefore contains material inaccuracies.

Beginning of the end for Mueller? Paul Manafort’s civil suit

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BREAKING: Paul Manafort strikes back. Sues Mueller and DOJ for overreach

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AG Jeff Session​ May Review ​Hillary’s Email Case ​And Asks Deputy AG Rosenstein ​to Participate — But Rosenstein May Be Compromised

Sessions agreed to review the Hillary Clinton email case with the help of Rod Rosenstein, his Deputy AG -- but Rosenstein is a witness to those crimes and may be compromised. [It is not likely that a meaningful investigation will ensue.] [...]

When the Clintons accepted Millions from Russian Nuclear Industry in Return for Access to 20% of American Uranium, by Definition, They Engaged in Racketeering

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are complicit in approving the Uranium One deal that gave 20% of US uranium to Russia, yet they are investigating Trump for collusion with Russia! [...]

Deputy AG Rosenstein on Russiagate: no ‘fishing expeditions’; Grand Jury subpoenas ‘normal’; no indictments pending

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein – the man who is supervising Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russiagate investigation – has given an interview to Fox News in which he has attempted – within the limits of the duty of confidentiality that cover all such investigations – to pour cold water on the overheated reporting of the last few days.

Trump says he is under investigation by Special Counsel Mueller ‘for firing Comey’

In an early morning tweet today US President Donald Trump appeared to confirm earlier reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating his handling of former FBI Director Comey to see whether there might be grounds for a charge of obstruction of justice.

I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 16, 2017

After appointing Special Counsel Rosenstein acts to close down Congressional ‘Russiagate’ probes

Further evidence that Rod Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Special Counsel to supervise the Russiagate investigation is intended at least in part to take the heat out of the affair has been provided by a private briefing Rosenstein has given to the Senate about his decision, of which the New York Times has provided a detailed account.