Rod Rosenstein

Rod Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russian Nationals for Hacking, Uses Thin Accusations to Pollute Upcoming Trump-Putin Summit

Rosenstein's indictment confirms that there were no Americans involved in either the hacking or the dissemination of the Democrats’ emails.  The DNC has refused to allow an inspection of its servers.  The timing of the announcement has led critics to believe that the deep state is trying to sabotage President Trump's upcoming meeting with Russian President Putin. [...]

‘Captured by the Kremlin,’ John Bolton labeled Russian operative by Fake News media

America is getting tired of RussiaGate. President Trump is tired of RussiaGate. That is why he sent John Bolton, the National Security Adviser, on over to Moscow to meet with President Vladimir Putin to plan an upcoming summit. The meeting, as reported here, was a clear success. The summit itself is to be held on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland.

Mueller indicts some Russians; clears Trump campaign of collusion (detailed analysis of latest indictment)

A recurring pattern of the Russiagate investigation is that whenever pressure increases on the FBI and on Special Counsel Mueller an indictment appears.
This happened in October when following the FBI’s admission that the Trump Dossier – the keystone in the “evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia – could not be verified and the Wall Street Journal called for Special Counsel Mueller to resign, indictments against Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos appeared.

Grassley’s, Lindsey Graham’s referral on Steele: did US media, Clinton campaign provide content for Trump Dossier?

Hot on the heels of the publication of the GOP memorandum (discussed by me here) has come another potentially even more extraordinary development in the Russiagate scandal.
This is the publication of a massively redacted version of the referral sent by Senators Grassley and Lindsey Graham to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein requesting that the Justice Department consider whether a criminal prosecution of Christopher Steele, the compiler of the Trump Dossier, should be brought.

Legal Analyst Gregg Jarret Explains FBI FISA Crimes and Says Rod Rosenstein Actually Threatened the House Intel Committee

The FBI and DOJ presented the dossier to the FISA court to get the wiretap warrant and signed an affidavit affirming they believed the dossier was reliable, but they knew it was funded by Democratic Party money and that the author of the dossier hated Trump. Three weeks ago, Rod Rosenstein threatened House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes and other members of Congress, saying he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the Intel Committee.