Robin Wilt

How Congressional Offices Are Handling COVID-19

While Louie Gohmert takes people on tours of the Capitol and spreads coronavirus far and wide-- note to people in Lufkin, Longview, Nacogdoches and Tyler: keep at least 6 feet away from this crazy version of Typhoid Mary-- other members of Congress have wisely decided to run their offices based on good practices suggested by the CDC. That notice above is on Ted Lieu's door.

There Really Is A Lot More To 2020 Than Just Electing A President

Brianna Wu sent this homemade kitchen video out to her supporters acknowledging that many of us felt discouraged on Wednesday morning after the Super Tuesday results in some states-- like Massachusetts, where she lives. "But," she wrote, "I'm also optimistic about what we can achieve. Fighting for progressive values means a lot more than just winning the Oval Office.

Cleaning House... In Rochester, New York

Monroe County (Rochester, NY) has its own member of Congress. It's a nice, safe blue district-- PVI is D+8-- and Obama won both times with 59% and even Hillary beat Trump in the district 55.5% to 39.1%. Louise Slaughter represented the district for 16 terms, from 1987 'til her death in 2018. she was succeeded by a local political hack, then an Assemblyman and a cog in the corrupt New York state political machine of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who appointed him Assembly Majority Leader.

How's Your Buying Power Lately?

The stock market continues to soar. My financial advisor ignores me when I wring my hands and tell her to change my asset allocation so that I have less stock. By ignoring me, she's brought me a lot more money. But I would just feel so much safer in more bonds and real estate and less sticks. Because, everyone knows this asshole is going to crash the market at some point.

Will Medicare-for-All Be An Electoral Winner?

This morning, Business Insider reported that "Nearly half of all US health spending is tied to admin management and the cost burdens associated with private insurance are being passed along to US consumers, making treatment an unmanageable expense. Patients are coughing up large portions of their budget on health, with the average non-elderly US family spending $8,200 per year on healthcare — or 11% of their income." That's $817 billion a year completely and utterly wasted-- $

If You Were A Democratic Candidate, Who Would You Most Want On The Top Of The Ticket?

Newt Gingrich, once House speaker, was driven out of Congress in 1997 by his fellow-Republicans who joined the Democrats in voting for one of the 84 ethics charges against him. He was formally reprimanded and forced to reimburse the House for the $300,000 he had embezzled. Only 28 Republicans voted no, the reprimand passing 395-28. He was the first-ever speaker to be reprimanded on an ethics charge.