Robert Mueller

9/11 After 18 Years “Hard Evidence Cannot Prevail over a Transparent Official Lie”

By Paul Craig Roberts • September 9, 2019 I would appreciate hearing from readers whether they have come across a report in the print, TV, or NPR media of the highly professional four-year investigation of WTC Building 7’s demise. The international team of civil engineers concluded that the official story of Building 7’s destruction is […]

Ray McGovern : Sic Transit Gloria Mueller

Source : Consortium News, Ray McGovern, 16-07-2019
[Sic transit gloria mundi est une locution latine signifiant « Ainsi passe la gloire du monde », NdT]
Le 16 juillet 2019
Les démocrates, les sténographes qui passent pour des journalistes et l’« équipe Mueller » auront besoin de tout le temps qu’ils peuvent trouver pour inventer des réponses imaginatives à deux révélations explosives récentes, dit Ray McGovern.

If Trump Declassifies These 10 Documents, Democrats Are Doomed

Via Zerohedge…
As the Russiagate circus attempts to quietly disappear over the horizon, with Democrats preferring to shift the anti-Trump narrative back to “racist”, “white supremacist”, “xenophobe”, and the mainstream media ready to squawk “recession”; the Trump administration may have a few more cards up its sleeve before anyone claims the higher ground in this farce we call an election campaign.