Robert McNamara

The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade

American Conservative, June 24, 2021 The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Charade How government and media use the phrase to suppress by James Bovard Biden’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” report last week declared that “enhancing faith in American democracy” requires “finding ways to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories.” In recent decades, conspiracy […]

Robert McNamara’s Infamous “Project 100,000” and the Vietnam War

A Premeditated Crime against Humanity By Larry Romanoff | Global Research | October 30, 2019 In the very long list of shocking and abominable atrocities committed by the US, there is one that stands out as especially obscene for the appalling and hypocritical inhumanity of US Government leaders. This was “Project 100,000”, a US military […]

Docs Reveal Pentagon Plan to Destroy USSR, China as “Viable Societies” with Nuclear Weapons

WASHINGTON — Recently declassified documents shed light on a U.S. nuclear war plan developed in 1964 by the Pentagon’s Joint Staff to bomb Russia – then the Soviet Union – and China with nuclear weapons so extensively that it would destroy them “as viable societies.” The war plan itself, known as Single Integrated Operational Plan 64 (SIOP-64), has not been declassified, as no SIOP has ever been released to the public by the United States government.

Bouncing Back Against the Corruption of Science in Capitalist Society

Continuing from the first part of this series, one critique that is missed in the talk about the March on Science is the fact that science has often failed the proletariat, used in their oppression, and as a form of destruction. Of course, this may be too much to expect of a bourgeois progressive and liberal crowd in Washington and across the world who are myopically focused on Trump but not on the bigger picture.