Robert Jeffries

Jerusalem, Trump, the Christian Zionist Crusade & the Biblical Apocalypse…

Well, that was bloody insane – all of it. But then we appear to be living in an insane asylum in which the inmates have taken control. If you ever needed a more perverse and overt expression of the incestousness nature of the Trump/Netanyahu relationship – and indeed of the Zionist/End-Timers fanaticism that I keep […]

TRUMP, 2017: Decoding the Bizarre, Bleak Inauguration of ‘God’s Chosen Leader’…

So Inauguration Day in Washington came across as a decidedly odd, even slightly unsettling, affair: which is perhaps the only fitting end-point for what has been a decidedly odd, even slightly unsettling, presidential race. It also seemed to affirm my fears that we’re falling deeper into a bad place. What was most striking about the […]