Robert J. Samuelson

Guns or Butter: Neocons Want More Weapons less Government Services

By Philip Giraldi | American Herald Tribune | December 30, 2018 It is one of the great ironies that the United States, which is not actually threatened by any foreign power, maintains a ruinously expensive and globally destructive national security policy that is based on fear. It can be argued that Washington was at least […]

What? WaPo editorial-page dunce Fred Hiatt writing about "unjust economics"? (Short answer: Whadderyou, nuts?)

by KenThe working theory tonight is that a picture is worth, well, a whole lotta words, and above you have a picture, not just of how's opinion e-updates usually look when they arrive in my e-mailbox, with this weird line breakage that pushes authors' names up into cahoots with the (actual) previous author's column blurb, but an actual reproduction of the way this morning's opinion roundup looked, making it appear to the uncareful glancer as if Washington Post editor