RNA Vaccines

Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of ‘Undisclosed Cause’ 18 Days After Getting Moderna Vaccine

Hank Aaron, the 86-year old baseball legend, died 18 days after he publicly received Moderna’s RNA Covid-19 vaccine in an attempt to encourage others in the Black community to get the vaccine. Many people, including health-care workers, are refusing the experimental RNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna.

California Halts Use of Moderna Covid Vaccine Batch Due to ‘Higher-Than-Usual Number of Adverse Events’

San Diego County reported that allergic reactions were detected in six vaccine recipients. The center reportedly closed for several hours after the string of adverse reactions occurred, before switching to a different batch of the drug. The media discounts the risk of the experimental vaccine.

US: CDC Reports that 2.8% of Those who Take the COVID-19 RNA Jab had Serious or Debilitating Injuries

A document published by the CDC on anaphylaxis following an injection of the RNA COVID-19 vaccine that shows by December 18, a total of 112,807 people received the RNA vaccine. 3,150 of that group were "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional."

Dr. Brad Weeks Explains the Risk and Potential Dangers of Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine

1. The vaccine studies are faulty and designed to make them succeed.
2. Only 0.6% of people worldwide are at risk of dying from Covid-19, so it is not therapeutic to vaccinate the masses.
3. RNA vaccines will forever alter recipients' DNA.
4. No mRNA vaccine has ever before been licensed for human use.

Moderna’s FDA Report Lists 13 Deaths in Vaccine Trials But Company Says Deaths Not Related to Vaccine

Some of the vaccine trial volunteers were diagnosed with Covid-19 after the first dose, so they were not counted, because it would have reduced the claimed 94.5% efficacy rate. The drug companies need a high efficacy rate, because the survival rate without vaccine is higher than 99% for people under 70 years of age.