
Saudi Arabia Unexpectedly Suspends Trade Ties With Canada, Recalls Ambassador

(ZHE) — In a world turned upside down by Trump’s unorthodox approach to, well, everything, replete with trade wars and diplomatic scandals, we now have one more, and this one was out of the blue. Late on Sunday, Saudi Arabia unexpectedly unleashed diplomatic hell against Canada when it announced it had suspended diplomatic ties and halted new […]

Yemen Hits Saudi Oil Refinery in Riyadh with New Kind of Drone Attack

SANA’A, YEMEN — A source inside of Yemen’s Air Force told MintPress that an unmanned long-range drone, dubbed the Samad 2, targeted an Aramco oil refinery in Saudi Arabia’s capital city of Riyadh, located over 1000 km (621 miles) away from Yemen’s capital, Sana’a.
The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told MintPress that the drone successfully bombed the Aramco refinery and then returned to its base in Yemen.

Syria: New proxy battles as Macron cuddles up to Trump

On April 7, images showing children being frantically hosed off in what was described as a suspected chemical attack in the district of Douma, Syria were beamed across the world.
The Russians and the Syrians claimed it was staged by a humanitarian organization called the White Helmets. The Russians went even further that they have proof the British government assisted this organization as it receives funding from the UK.

Teenage Girl Pleads for Rescue From Abusive Saudi Employers

(MEE) — A Bangladeshi woman’s family is pleading for her rescue from Saudi Arabia after her Saudi employers had subjected her to sexual abuse and broke her leg by throwing her down two flights of stairs. Activists and relatives say the 19-year-old woman, who works as a housemaid in Riyadh, was pushed while trying to escape months […]

US May Open Path for Saudi Arabia to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

(MEMO) — Saudi Arabia is moving swiftly to become the next country in the Middle East with nuclear power. The Kingdom is on the verge of striking a deal with the US for the purchase of nuclear reactors despite concerns over its refusal to accept stringent restrictions against the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Crown Prince Mohamed Bin […]

Hot November in Riyadh

This November in Riyadh, colder than ever, turned out be hot in the political sense and provided Saudi Arabia the front-page spaces of the world mass-media outlets. To be more precise, it was secured by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohhamad Bin Salman Al Saud, who, throughout the whole month, was pursuing extremely active foreign and domestic policies.

Iran, Russia, Turkey to call for int’l conference on Syria

Rouhani, Putin and Erdogan say the end of the war in Syria is at hand [PPIO]
The Presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey have concluded a tripartite summit on Syria in Sochi and say there is a real chance for peace now that the Islamic State has been largely defeated.
With IS forces routed in Syria (and Iraq), a cessation of hostilities in full effect, and hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees returning home, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that there is a real chance a political settlement will end the seven-year civil war.

Analysis: Alliances shift in the Middle East as all roads lead to Moscow

The Saudi monarch is in Moscow, as Iranian and Turkish leaders meet in Tehran
The visit of the Saudi monarch to Moscow all but cements Putin as the central figure in Middle Eastern politics [PPIO]
As US media continues to speculate on the motives behind the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas and the press in the UK critique Prime Minister Theresa May’s latest policy speech, there have been significant changes in Middle Eastern alliances.